

Royal Collection


Royal Collection


A diamond jewel sealed in an unbreakable promise.


The symmetry
of beauty

The Royal Collection by Amin Luxury is noted for its unforgettable setting. Dedicated to the perfection of geometry, it effortlessly amplifies the importance in the relationship between symmetry and beauty. The 5 pivotal points in white Gold mirror a pentagonal table as in the Leonardo da Vinci cut. Magnifying the beauty of the diamond with the perfect setting.

The geometry of beauty


Two gems of light

The Royal Collection earrings communicate their sophistication simply. Gifting the wearer uniqueness and distinction in a pair of diamond studs.

The two brightest stars of the night.

Five points of light.

The Royal Collection pendant is monumentally bright, like a star hanging from the neckline. Emphasising the beauty and elegance of the female figure. A focal point to admire and appreciate.

Make your star shine